I really enjoy running for the sake of running. I enjoy long solo runs in the bush (I know, I know, not the safest thing) as well as group runs cruising around on fun trails.

But, as much as I enjoy non-competitive running, I also REALLY enjoy signing up and running in events. Why? How about these 4 reasons for a start:

  1. It gives you something to work towards. Usually (not always), you will have an event in mind at least a few weeks prior to running it. It follows that usually (not always), you’ll do some running in preparation for the event. And more running is a good thing. It also makes getting up at 4:30am easier if you have something you’re training for.
  2. Challenging yourself is fun. I don’t enter races to race against others (I’m not quick enough for that); I enter to challenge myself. I love the feeling of pushing my body to see what it can do and, as much as I may try in training, there’s nothing like the thrill of an event to really test your individual limits. It may hurt sometimes, sure, but I have a lot of fun in the process.
  3. Events have a buzz to them. There’s usually an electric vibe at trail running events that automatically puts a smile on your face. I think it’s a mix of excitement, anticipation and some fun chaps looking forward to getting down and dirty on the trails. One thing I particularly like about trail running events is that you meet some cool people. Trail runners are generally pretty easy to get along with – just don’t get in front of their coffee if it’s an early start, or in front of their beer at the finish.
  4. Planning is fun. I used to be an Engineer; call me particular, call me odd - I’ve heard them all before. But I take great pleasure in sitting down and planning a training block for an event. There’s a pleasant thrill for me in working out how best to juggle my busy schedule and my desire to be in the best shape possible come race day. I also REALLY like ticking off sessions when I’m done, and if I’m really happy with the session? Sometimes I’ll give it two ticks.

Why do you like running in events/races?

See you out there – Juddy