With many GC runners recovering from Round 3 of the Gold Coast Trail Running Series, I thought the timing was right to share my Top 3 running recovery tips. And for those readers who aren’t on the sunny Gold Coast, these tips are universal, and can be applied to both training and racing.

  1. Eat as soon as you can after. And I’m not talking pizza and beers (although, IMO, this is better than nothing!). Your post-run meal should be a well-balanced plate consisting of lean protein, low GI carbs and some healthy fats (avocado or coconut milk/cream are my faves). I’m not of the opinion you need to be downing a super-dense protein shake; rather a balanced (are you getting the picture yet?), healthy meal will tick most boxes. That said, if I’m running a trail in the middle of nowhere and know that I won’t be able to prepare or store a healthy meal, I will turn to a pre-mixed recovery drink (something with a mix of carbs and protein).
  2. Make you recovery active – get moving. I will always (well, almost always) get moving after a tough run session. If I run a race or a long run in the AM, I will try and go for an easy walk or a slow cycle later that afternoon. Similarly, if I go for a tough afternoon/evening run I will try and perform a recovery run the next morning. You’ll be surprised how much difference it makes getting the body moving again, rather than just sitting in front of the TV.
  3. Sleep more. Sleep is an athlete’s best friend, and yet with our busy lives we often miss this crucial component of fitness and health. Many of us (myself included) would benefit more from skipping an early morning training session to catch-up on some much needed shut-eye. Quality training sessions are one thing, but sleep is a highly underrated training tool!

See you out there – Juddy