Go barefoot often.

I try and partake in regular barefoot running and find it great for loosening up sore legs and a fantastic way to work on aspects of running form, whether as specific drills at the end of a run or by just doing easy barefoot running. There are heaps of ways of including barefoot running in your training and I’m not going to re-invent the wheel…that’s what Google is for! (NB – I have run barefoot for quite a while…if you are new to going barefoot take some time easing in to it, and if you have any questions just ask)

It doesn’t necessarily have to be running either - even walking around the home or office is good for you. By strengthening and stimulating your feet by being barefoot you are doing your body a great service – after all, the feet have the task of leading the rest of your body around all day!

See you out there – Juddy