When I’m in a heavy running training cycle, I inevitably run short of time and my strength cross-training suffers (i.e. usually doesn’t happen). A way in which I have recently attempted to remedy this is to incorporate 5-6 “mini-workouts” each week, with each session being as short as 15mins up to a maximum of 30mins (and usually closer to the 15min mark).

These mini-workouts typically involve 5 sets of 4 exercises (1 ‘pushing’ exercise, 1 ‘pulling’ exercise, 1 lower-body exercise, 1 core exercise), and most often are bodyweight exercises only. One example:

5 sets of:

16 x push-ups (pushing)
8 x pull-ups (pulling)
8/side x walking lunges
16 x mountain climbers

I do make use of the TRX pretty regularly in this, as it’s a great way to include some instability in standard movements. I also occasionally use other equipment: weighted barbell, slosh tubes, skipping rope, punching bag etc.

The emphasis with these workouts is controlled strength. I’m not worried that the workouts are so short – I’m getting plenty of aerobic work from my running. I can usually multi-task these workouts too: be it cooking dinner, checking emails or folding washing, I can juggle the exercise rests with whatever the life activity is I’m trying to complete.

Short on time? Go mini!

See you out there – Juddy