Later this week I’m going to talk a little about my DIY body maintenance routine: stretching, self-massage etc. Prior to that though, I thought I’d let you in on some of my home-made devices to assist with the DIY routine.

Foam roller – A cheap foam roller substitute is a PVC pipe cut to whatever length you want (I use pressure rated pipe as the walls are thicker). Not as soft as a conventional roller, but just as effective. A large diameter pool noodle (again, cut to length) also works pretty well.

Localised self-massager – Golf and tennis balls. Pretty obvious these ones – roll away.

Lower leg stretch assistant – A 400mmx400mm timber sheet (ply is probably the best), a 70x35mm timber length that’s about 400mm long and a 10mm thick timber offcut.

I obviously haven’t told you what to do with anyone of the above items…all in good time!

See you out there – Juddy