My wife and I have gotten in the habit of having a New Year's theme/word/phrase/question, rather than the typical "resolution". The idea is to come up with a theme/word/phrase/question that guides your actions during the year.

Given I like social media, this year (and last) I have opted for a #hashtag as an overriding summation of my theme for the year.


"Tramping?" You may ask. "Isn't that a Kiwi term for bushwalking in the mountains?"

You are correct, that is what the term means. But to me, tramping/bushwalking/trail running is all about having a destination in mind but taking the time to find enjoyment in the journey to get there. The end goal is great, but it may only account for 1% of the total time invested in the journey.

So 2016 is all about finding enjoyment from my journeys for the year; be they parenting, work, running, or anything else. In nearly every situation in life there is an end goal or idea we are striving for, but it's often easy to let this cloud the good times along the way.

In case you need reinforcement of the idea: the photo above is on the way up to Mt Kosciuszko - by far prettier than the summit itself. This is taking the #Tramping very literally, but you get the idea.

Now grab your trekking poles and go see some cool sh*t!