AM | 11.7km, 160m vertical gain (VG), 70mins - easy group road run

20 minutes solo running prior to meeting up with the group for the usual Monday morning hit out.

AM | 8.6km, 910m VG, 2hr 15mins – easy group trail run

A Gold Coast Trail Runners group run, we tackled the beautiful summit trail up Mt Warning. A mountain run in every sense of the word, it’s steady climbing from the outset to the top.

As for most of our group runs, there were plenty of breaks to regroup and a good rest up the top to take in the view and get some photos. The run time is a little misleading as we spent over 30 minutes on the summit (so total running was probably only 1hr 40mins or so).


The plan was to do an early 45min run with the family alongside on the bike, but the lure of presents proved too strong for our 2.5 year old.

Opted for a rest day instead.

AM | 18.0km, 600m VG, 90mins – easy, hilly trail run

A chance to blow out some cobwebs after the over-indulgence that is Christmas Day. I opted to stay on the firetrails for this one (not singletrack) so that I could keep the pace a little quicker. I did finish off with 1.5km of singletrack on the way home.

AM | 9.1km, nil VG, 47mins – easy barefoot run

An easy run with Jana and Van alongside on the bike. I did the out section in shoes and wasn’t feeling it, so I took them off at the turn and ran the second half barefoot and loved it. Some days my feet just don’t want to be in shoes.

Just blowing off steam and getting the legs turning over.

AM | 15.8km, 860m VG, 2hr 5mins – easy, hilly trail run

I went back to Sprinbgrook and again tackled Apple Tree Park to Purlingbrook Falls return. I also ran a set of the Apple Tree Park stairs to finish for a little extra stair training. This is such a quality run, both for training purposes and scenery, that I can see myself out here very regularly over the coming months.

Loved it, loved it, loved it.

AM into PM into RUIN | 24-ish km, ?m VG, 8-ish hrs – Rainbow to Ruin 2013 (boozy group road run?)

The annual Rainbow to Ruin surf club crawl, it was a long 8 or so hours to run the 24km distance from Rainbow Bay SLSC to Kurrawa SLSC. It only makes the training list because it did involve some running, however it probably had more negative impact than positive. It was stinking hot, I drank a lot of beer and ran a bit in between.

Great fun though. Did I mention that I won?

Running | 63.1km + 24km R2R, 2530m VG, 7hrs 55mins (excl. R2R)
Cross-training | 0hr 0mins
Total time | 7hr 55mins

Another week of easy group running, good climbing, the over-indulgence that is Christmas, all finished off with the boozy Rainbow to Ruin. An easy week next week before climbing back into it in 2014.

Have a great New Year folks!

See you out there – Juddy