OK, quick disclosure on this one – I make running shorts (specifically, Running Duds). That said, I run in running shorts for a reason.

For men there aren’t too many options – speedos (only OK if you’re in a large group), shorts, tights…and that’s about it.

I dislike tights – short or long – as I find them restrictive and hot. This includes compression tights. The exception to this is above-the-knee compression if I have some solid up- and down- hill climbing to do; aside from feeling like they keep the legs a little fresher for longer periods, I also find the extra grip on the legs helpful when power hiking (try and power hike hands-on-knees style with sweaty thighs!). When I don the compression shorts I still throw a pair of Duds on over the top – for both modesty and promotional purposes!

Even in cold weather I will wear shorts and go long-sleeve up top. I just don’t like tights or long pants on my legs when running.


The major benefits of shorts for me are airflow and freedom, and they usually have a key pocket to stash a car key. Also, a good pair can be worn sans-undies (or commando style) for improved comfort.

See you out there – Juddy