Location: Coombabah, QLD Australia

View Coombabah Lakelands in a larger map

Run Type: Trail (gravelly firetrail; flat)

Distance: 9.2km

Total Elevation Gain: nil

Trail Map: To view at full size and/or print; click on the image to open the map, then right click and select 'save image as'. Open the map from the save location to view at full size.

A full, detailed contour map of this trail is available in the Fourth Edition of the book "Where to Mountain Bike in South East Queensland", available from www.organisedgrime.com.au.

GPS Link: http://connect.garmin.com/course/2425442

Description: An easy, flat introduction to trail running through bushland teeming with wildlife. 

This map doesn't require too much explanation - just follow the arrows on the 'Trail Adventures' map along with the track names (which are signposted at most track junctions). The course is basically dead flat, and the tracks are well graded gravel, meaning that it is a great area for first-time trail runners. It is also an area that is suitable for taking a hybrid or mountain bike (or a single speed BMX if you are into that), and the nature of the trails mean that most kids with a little bike riding experience should be able to handle it with no problems. While it is easy running, there is enough scenic stuff to look at to keep more experienced trail runners interested...there have been kangaroos EVERYWHERE both times that I have been through the reserve.

A word of warning - there are a few areas that get quite waterlogged after sustained rain, but all should be passable as long as you are willing to get your feet wet (potentially mid-shin deep puddles)...but that's what trail running is all about right?!

There are a number of other trails throughout the reserve (as indicated on the above map), so there is more than enough area to cover to fill a fun morning of running. I recommend early morning or late afternoon when the animals seem to be at their most active.

See you out there!